We Americans are brought up on a lot of myths of love, and I think it makes relationships more confusing and difficult. The happily ever after stories of childhood turn into the overly dramatic and constantly changing relationships on TV, and Neither of these extremes are healthy or realistic. Rarely does a charming prince come save the day so the couple can live happily ever after. Equally rarely do reality television shows, sit coms or popular dramas portray healthy long term relationships.
The sad thing is that I don't think many people have actually had healthy role models of loving, lasting relationships to learn from in real life. Those who have are lucky. I'd guess a lot of people are just winging it, and basing attempts at relationships and happiness on media stereotypes. That probably leaves a lot of disappointed and / or divorced people.
The reality is that no relationship is happy all the time, and the grass isn't always greener somewhere else either. Rather than being dependent on someone else to feel complete, knowing how to be happy alone or together probably helps too. Buying jewelery is great, but it can't replace being nice, and showing respect on a regular basis.
A few disappointing Valentines Days in my life may have added to my natural cynicism, and increased my mockery of this holiday of romance. One favorite memory is of a year when I was a teenager recovering from a recent breakup, I wrote a letter to a friend about the woes of VD. Her mom found the letter, and was very upset, mistakenly thinking VD was referring to venereal disease rather than Valentines Day. That still makes me smile, and in perspective, made my single, heartbroken teenage Valentines Day not look so bad- at least there were no diseases involved.
I have also had plenty of Valentines Days that were wonderful, and made me think, and probably act, like a silly, romantic pre-teen girl. On good years, my dear husband has treated me to romantic cabins in the snowy mountains, rooms overlooking the ocean, candlelit dinners, flowers, and even jewelery. Of course, since I accidentally sucked up one of the diamond earrings he bought me with a vacuum, I have not been given jewelery again. Maybe that's why I mock the jewelry commercials- because I know my jewelery days are over due to my terrible housekeeping. At least I still get chocolate.
I hope everyone has a wonderful Valentines Day. Whether it's full of flowers, candy, and jewels or not, hopefully, it will be full of love. I'd love to hear how others celebrated with their loved ones this year.