There's just something about the carefree feeling of spring that brings out my inner school skipping self, and has made me want to play hooky for as long as I can remember. How can we be inside- whether in my office, or our house, when the sun is shining, the birds are singing and the flowers are blooming? This beautiful weather was made for us to enjoy, so I'm trying to make sure we get out and enjoy it while it lasts.
It's amazing what a difference a little sunshine can make in one's mental state too. After the dark cold winter, a little sunshine on my face is like a shot of something yummy, with no negative side effects (well, except wrinkles and potential carcinomas, but man, it feels really nice.) I don't know how people in Alaska or Iceland make it through the winter months year after year.We've had a lot of late rain and unseasonably cold days this year, which has made the sunshine even more appreciated.
Pollen allergies have tried to put a bit of a damper on our spirits, but we decided we'd play now anyway while the weather is nice, even if we have to pay later with itchy eyes and runny noses.
The grass in our pastures in taller than it has been in years, which my goats are thrilled about, and so am I because that means less hay we'll have to buy this summer. It also means less frolicking romps through the meadows because it's rattlesnake season, and it's nice to be able to see where you're stepping. We've had up close encounters in the past, and I personally prefer to avoid them.
Spring, and all it's new beginnings really bring out my optimism on a number of levels. It has the kids and I inspired to work in the yard again finding all the amazing things that have grown and thrived despite some degree of seasonal neglect and extremes in temperatures and water levels. I love discovering what plants are hardy around here, because they are the ones I deal best with. Finicky, temperamental, sensitive and needy things don't tend to do as well under my care. I do like to nurture things to some degree, but I'm a bigger fan of low maintenance. It's a quality I appreciate in all things- plants, animals and humans alike. Slight imperfections are appreciated as well, and I have no problem seeing the beauty of a rose, even if it has a little insect damage.
Speaking of hardiness, one of my favorite spring sights is the lone flower busting through a crack in the sidewalk in downtown. I've seen it over and over, in numerous concrete jungles, and it always makes me smile. I know, some people call them weeds, and will probably be there with a can of poison to stop that unruly growth soon, but personally, I appreciate the persistence of nature. It reminds me that there are things out of our control, so lightening up might not be a bad idea, and more importantly, that even in the ugliest situations, beauty can sprout.
Clouds just rolled in with cold wind, and it started to rain. I guess it looks like we'll be enjoying this spring day in front of the fire playing board games. I'm glad we celebrated the more spring like days while they lasted. What are you all doing to enjoy the last days of the season?